Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

We believe that children should be made to interact with the planet responsibly in their early years.

At Prodigy, we teach children how to take care of their environment and become environmentally responsible by instilling ways to practice environmental sustainability through hands-on experiences and investigation.

We create these moments, experiences, and spaces for children through our sustainable concepts that are embedded in our practices, such as –

Recycle Project

Our recycling project is one of the most exciting projects that the entire Prodigy team is passionate about and holds pride in. The concept of recycling teaches children to care for the environment and show appreciation for our planet Earth. The children learn to identify the three R’s – Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.

At prodigy Early Learning you will find a recycling station that holds donations from families, educators, and our community. This station encourages all children to practice the idea of ‘waste to wonder’. The donations of pre-loved goods and discarded items from the community help us turn them into something useful. Some of the items that are not used are donated to local organizations.

From turning old kitchen utensils into flowerpots or pipe joints into art pieces, through our recycling program, children explore their creativity and the recycling potential of every object around them.

Worm farm

As part of our environmental sustainability project, our Centre has a worm farm maintained by the children with the help of their educators. The children are encouraged to use food scraps that would otherwise be thrown, as food for worms. This activity is meant to dissuade children from wasting food and develop an understanding of how nature works. The “worm wee” produced in our worm farm is used by the children in the veggie patch gardens at the Centre and also given to the families to build their gardens at home.

Compost Bins

Sustainability is about reducing wastage, which is what we promote and teach with our composting. At Prodigy, we familiarise the children with how the process of composting works and how it can help us reduce everyday waste.

Instead of throwing away meal scraps and compostable items like waste from mealtime, fallen leaves, dried twigs, straw, shredded paper, etc, we teach them to put them in the compost bins, which in time is then used as manure in our gardens.

Water Conservation Project

With the motto of ‘Save Water- Save life’ in mind, at Prodigy, we have a water conservation project in place. Through this project, we prevent water wastage and familiarise children with the importance of conserving water and the different ways to do so.

Community Garden

At Prodigy, we have a beautiful garden where we grow our vegetables and herbs. The harvested vegetable and herbs are then shared with our chef to be cooked and enjoyed by all children. These are also available for families to take home and enjoy. Children are encouraged to actively participate in different gardening activities, including planting harvesting, watering, and essential maintenance as part of this project.

Natural Play Spaces

We take pride in incorporating numerous natural elements in our play spaces both indoors and outdoors that is safe and exciting. These natural spaces allow children to interact with nature and develop an understanding of the world around them. Our environment is filled with recycled tree trunks, earth mounds, logs, pinecones, gum nuts, etc. Last but not the least, the use of natural timber furniture throughout all our learning environments, sums it all up.

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